How to Report a Suspected Phishing Message


How to report a suspected Phishing message

If you receive a suspected Phishing, report to the UCCS OIT Service Desk at

The following instructions are for forwarding a message as an attachment using Outlook on a PC. Note that the first method works very well for selecting and forwarding multiple messages, while the second method works well for forwarding individual phishing and spam samples.

Method 1 - forwarding multiple messages: From your Outlook Inbox: Hold the control key down on your keyboard while you select (click) multiple sample messages from your Inbox (the control key allows you to select multiple items). Once you have the samples highlighted, RIGHT-click on one of the blue, highlighted messages and select "Forward Items" (by left-clicking "Forward Items"). The selected emails will be inserted into a new message, as attachments, which you can then forward to this Spam Admin address. 

Method 2 - an alternate method that works particularly well for forwarding single messages. From your Outlook Inbox: open a new email in Outlook, go to the Insert menu, and select "Item..." and then the message or messages of concern.

Information Security