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Casper Self Service


Casper Self Service

Casper Self Service, developed by JAMF Software, is a comprehensive management system for Apple OS X computers. With Casper, devices enrolled in the system are given access to a "Self Service" program that allows our Mac users to choose what programs or configurations to install from a catalog provided by the IT Department.  IT can also proactively deploy and maintain software, respond to security threats and distribute settings.

  • Features
    • Provides an easy to use user interface for downloading and installing University programs
    • Catalog of configurations (such as VPN and wireless) to quickly connect to UCCS resources
    • Increased security with remote security tools
  • Who May Use This Service?

    Staff and Faculty with a University owned Mac

  • How Do I Get Started?

    To enroll in Casper, please see the How to Install Casper for Mac OSX link in the Documentation section at the bottom of this page. 

  • When Is Support Available For This Service?

    Posted Service Desk Hours

  • Remote Security

    Once enrolled in Casper, users may contact the Service Desk to request that certain security measures be performed on their machine. The IT Department will not perform any of the following tasks without a request from the owner of the machine. 

    Remote Hard Drive Wipe: In the event of loss or theft, if your device is enrolled in Casper, we can attempt to force the device to wipe the hard drive.

    Remote Screen Lock: In the event of loss, if your device is enrolled in Casper, we can attempt to force the device to lock. Most times, this will require an Apple store to unlock the device.