OIT Services



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Normal Service Desk Hours 
Monday - Friday | 8:00am to 6:00pm

Computer and Software Purchasing for Faculty and Staff


Computer and Software Purchasing for Faculty and Staff

Faculty and staff are required to comply with CU System's IT Procurement Checklist when purchasing any hardware or software. 

Any asset purchased over $5,000 needs to be registered with the Capital Assets team in the Controller's Office. Assets less than $5,000 which store data must be registered with your department's asset manager and logged in SnipeIT

  • Getting started

    If unsure what to purchase, please submit a "Purchase Advising Request" through our self-service portal. If you know what software you would like to purchase, please submit the "Faculty/Staff Software Request" form on the self-service portal.

    The requests can be found under the "Personal Computing" section in the portal. 

  • Who May Use This Service?

    Faculty and Staff. 

  • How Long Does It Take To Get This Service?

    If you have purchased a computer or printer, the OIT Service Desk should be contacted for proper setup. 

    Computer builds (installing Windows or Mac and any UCCS software packages such as Microsoft Office) may take up to two weeks.

  • When Is Support Available For This Service?

    Posted OIT Service Desk hours