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Adobe Sign


Adobe Sign

Adobe Sign (evolved from EchoSign) is a cloud-based e-signature service that lets you send, sign, track, and manage signature processes using a browser or mobile device. It is part of the Adobe Document Cloud suite of services.

  • Who May Use This Service?

    The Adobe Sign license is available free by request to all UCCS Faculty and Staff. Student employees may be licensed on an annual basis by request of their manager or supervisor.

  • How Do I Get Started?

    Complete a form to request your license.

    Please Note:

    1. You must log in to access the form using your UCCS account.
    2. It may take up to 48 hours after your request is approved for the license to be applied by Adobe.
    3. You may request Acrobat Sign licenses for student employees on their behalf.
    4. Your UCCS account credentials are required to use this application once licensed.
    5. Special archival procedures are required if you had a previous Sign license associated with your UCCS email.
    6. All Sign licenses will include Adobe Acrobat Pro DC to allow for desktop access.
  • What Is Included With This Service?

    Adobe Sign tools allow you to convert a normal PDF into a signed document, then request, track, and manage documents throughout the signing process.

    All Sign requests include a license for Acrobat Pro DC to allow for additional PDF creation and manipulation tools right on your desktop

  • When Is Support Available For This Service?

    Posted Service Desk hours for licensing and access questions.

    UCCS is unable to provide application troubleshooting or usage support for signature management, please contact Adobe Support directly for assistance.

  • How Do I Access Adobe Sign?

    Adobe Sign features can be accessed two ways, either through the online Document Cloud portal, or the Acrobat Pro DC desktop application.

    Adobe Sign Document Cloud

  • What If I Already Have An Adobe Sign License?

    If you already have an Adobe Sign license associated with your UCCS email address, either paid personally or through your department, you can still join the UCCS Enterprise license.

    Warning: You must work with your license manager or Adobe support directly to cancel your existing license and archive those documents before requesting the UCCS Enterprise license for Sign. If you have an existing license still applied, your UCCS license will not function correctly. Please contact the Service Desk for questions or assistance with this.