OIT Services



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UCCS offers a free VPN (Virtual Private Network) that allows access to campus resources from an off campus location. The UCCSVPN grants access to the campus portal, your Z: drive (excelsior) (enterprise), as well as the Inbox/Outbox (Inbox and Outbox) folders for all UCCS Students, Faculty, and Staff. For Library resources, a VPN is no longer required and any additional information can be found at the following link: Library Proxy.

Note: The UCCSVPN connects your personal computer or mobile device to the UCCS campus network and therefore only works off-campus.

  • If you are on-campus, please note it will not connect over ethernet, UCCS-Wireless, or UCCS-Guest as the VPN is not needed for on-campus connections.
  • You can contact the UCCS OIT Service Desk to confirm the VPN is setup correctly.

  • Features
    • Transfer files to and from your on-campus IT account or a professor's account
    • Updating Symantec Antivirus from off campus; e.g. laptops, dorm computers during the summer, staff/faculty with university computers at home
    • Although we do not recommend using insecure FTP, if it's necessary to FTP to an on-campus resource, you must connect to the VPN server first to create a secure path
    • You must also connect to the VPN server first to use Telnet to access an on-campus resource; e.g. SPSS on lynx.uccs.edu
    • Utilize some College or Department specific resources
  • Who May Use This Service?

    Students, Faculty, and Staff.

  • How Do I Get Started?

    Configuration of the VPN can be found below in the Documentation section.

  • When Is Support Available For This Service?

     â€“ 24x7 support

    Are you connecting from an office, military base, or a different University network?

    Most private or secure military networks will not allow an outgoing VPN connection. You should contact the network's administrators to see if VPN connections are allowed.

    Are you connecting with a Cricket wireless card?

    Cricket wireless does not allow VPN connections.

    Do you have any 3rd party antivirus, antispyware, or firewalls?

    Certain antivirus/spyware software will sometimes block VPN connections. Try disabling the software and attempt reconnecting to the VPN.

    Do you have Century Link as a Service Provider?

    Please contact Century Link and have them open TCP port 1723 and UDP ports 1701 and 500.

  • Documentation